EUNGELLA | Illustrating the elusive platypus

We drove for 3 hours over unsealed roads to climb through the back of the mountain town of Eungella in hopes of seeing the elusive platypus. After 5 minutes of looking across the river, a cluster of bubbles formed and suddenly up popped this lil guy along with several of his friends! We stayed here for hours watching them feed and frolic until it was dark, hands down one of the best afternoon's of our life.

Naturally, after several hours of staring at all the wonderous wildlife emerging from the dark waters and rainforest, I started dreaming up a design of ripples, bubbles, and all the majestic wildlife we had witnessed. For the first time all year the inspiration I’d been searching for finally hit.

So I sat down, pulled out my iPad, and started sketching. I knew I wanted to include some pops of colour in the design and felt the iconic QLD Ullyses butterfly along with these stunning electric blue dragonflies that lingered along the water’s edge would make for a rich contrast to the muted colour of the reeds and platypus.

My intention was to create a design that ebbed and flowed like the platypus and ripples in the river so I tried to emulate that by hiding the repeat and guiding the eye through reeds and amongst the surface of the water. I also wanted to pair them with a rich dark background to reflect the evening light on the river and amongst the rainforest.

After working out all the different elements I wanted to use, I airdropped them to my mac and set about laying them out in Photoshop. I know you can do pattern making in Procreate but Photoshop just feels more flexible for me especially when creating patterns. After a day of playing around with arrangements and colour ways I finally settled on the design below. Let me know your thoughts!

TRAVEL DIARY | The First Month

It’s already March and 2022 has proven to have been a VERY busy year for us. We moved out of our home in the South Coast, got married, and have now moved into our self made camper van, and are currently heading north on our year-long honeymoon around Australia.

The plan for this trip is to immerse ourselves in nature, get inspired, explore and create as much as we can. I’ve packed paints, sketchbooks, and all sorts of mediums along with my camera gear neatly into the van next to Cristian’s guitar and carefully selected surfboard quiver. I hope to capture where we go and what inspires me. It’s been about two years in the making and we’re so excited to finally be on the road!

Our route will take us north from Sydney, via the Northern Rivers into Queensland, up around to Northern Territory, with a dip down to the red center, and then to the left through to Western Australia, then hug the coastline down and around to South Australia, Victoria and finally scoot over to Tasmania before arriving back in New South Wales.

It’s the end of week three and we’ve made it into Queensland after a two-week stint just south of Coffs Harbour after being forced to bunker down in Urunga, waiting for Brisbane and the Northern Rivers to stop flooding after a catastrophic amount of rain has soaked the region for the last two weeks. This also happened to be the first week of hitting the road so we’ve gone straight into the thick of it, discovering a couple of small leaks and coming to terms with living in a small space. This restructured our plan as we ended up hanging in Scotts Head (which was our favourite place so far) waiting for some admin tasks to be finalised and also waiting for the rain to give up before we could pass through Northern Rivers.

Since leaving home we’ve stopped off at Mungo Brush next to Myall Lakes which led to us seeing dingos around our campsite about 24 hours into our trip. Then onto the beautiful town of Seal Rocks where we patiently waited for a 2-meter python to cross the street after watching big manta rays frolic in the bay. Finally, we reached Crescent Head where we enjoyed pods of dolphins jumping and surfing the famous waves.

Instead of staying Coffs Harbour, we opted for the surfing Sikh town of Woolgoolga and neighboring town, Mullaway. These two places were soo beautiful and had a huge swell hit the shores as we explored them. Some photos down below of one of the brave locals going out in 5 metre waves. Then of course more rain hit and so we continued north to try escape it up in Queensland.

All the rain forced us to really put into use the comforts we’d installed in the van when originally designing it to resemble our living room! Our L shape lounge got a good workout as we spent most nights watching Netflix on the pull-down projector, and its been great having the space to stand up and walk around in the van. I’ve been lucky enough to have the majority of meals cooked by Cristian who has been smashing out shakshuka, Indian dahl curries, lots of new recipes and countless cooked big breakfasts on our Companion gas oven and cooker in our kitchen setup and its been just as good as cooking at home!. We’ve also been storing our weekly veg and condiments n a 62 litre Dometic upright fridge which is surprisingly deep and holds a 6 pack along with all your essential fridge staples so pretty ideal for us. Our favourite meals have been the ones we can cook on the open fire when staying in the bush - jacket roast potatoes and BBQ, buttered charred corn, veg and burgers have never tasted so good!

Now we’re in Queensland the sun has started to show its face a little bit more so we’ve headed to the Sunshine Coast to soak up as much vitamin D and sea as possible with plans to head to Fraser Island for some 4x4 adventures then make our way north to Cairns!

I’ll leave you with some of the highlight reel from our first month and hopefully will be able to keep this up as we travel along!



When I first made the move from the inner suburbs of Sydney to the tidy coastal town of Bulli, I knew I was signing up for 3 hours or commuting every day as I worked full time in the city. I sold the idea to myself as 'optimum work time’ to focus on my freelance jobs and to explore any personal work I wanted to get stuck into. I usually complete the majority of my illustrations on photoshop using my Wacom Cintiq and MacBook pro, so in order to make this more compact and suitable for on-the-go travel, I looked into purchasing an ipad, apple pencil and procreate.


The total cost of my new on-the-go setup was around $650
iPad 6th Gen 9.7" WiFi 128GB Gold - $519 AUD
Apple Pencil 1st Generation - $138 AUD
(Both purchased from Officeworks)
and the one off cost of the Procreate App which was $9.99 USD.

Although it seemed a little steep, I figured that all the additional work I could get done on my commute using this setup deemed it a worthwhile investment for myself!

Adjusting to using Procreate was a little challenging at first. Seeing as there are about 100 ways to create different styles and kinds of illustration in photoshop with unlimited layers, Procreate gives a more stripped back, refined interface where you simply select your brushes and colours and work within a limited layer setup and follow the intuitive drawing tools and shortcuts the program offers.

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The first project I worked on with just my Ipad & Procreate was this wedding invitation for the lovely Megan and Joshua.

When working on commissions and briefs, I like to have a thumbnail sketch of how the whole design will work, then I’ll illustrate elements on separate files nice and large (a4-a3 in size) and then bring them all together on the master design document to build up my composition. This is essentially the approach I took with their invitations, and I really loved how easily I could pull it all together form the comfort of my lap!

Thankfully Procreate allows you to export your files via airdrop as a variety of different file types including PSD so I exported the final the design as a PSD and finished off adding the text in Photoshop, exported it as a PDF and off it went to print!

The more I played around with Procreate, the more I found myself rediscovering the joy of drawing again. I don’t know about you but I’ve always been a bit funny with sketchbooks, being too scared to make a bad mark or ruin a page or ‘flow’. With my ipad I love the ability to whip it out (providing I’ve remembered to charge it!) and enjoy the endless ability to create whatever I want wherever I want!

The above illustrations were from my backyard as an observation sketch using Procreate’s pen liner brushes which I then decided to colour in using some new custom brushes I purchased from Bardot Brush (Highly recommend as they’ve got great water colour washes and textures for building up organic gritty details!).

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Eventually I found myself opening up Procreate and losing several hours in sketch-land where I would recreate little nooks and compositions around my home as I got more and more comfortable with how the brushes flowed and little tricks like flipping and rotating elements, playing with layer opacity and clipping masks and most of all just really enjoying the process!

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What I really love about Procreate is how much its allowed me to free up my drawing style. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still very much a stickler for detail BUT now I can also turn that side of my brain down a notch and appreciate the full spectrum of colour available at my fingertips to to explore a more impressionist style of mark making.

Recently I’ve found myself sketching landscapes and my favourite places I like to visit, which a year ago would have probably taken me a month to plan an attack on how to create, but now can be done from the comfort of my lap on my couch, or on a blanket in the grass, or recently balanced on my knees off the side of a houseboat.


I received a lot of positive feedback when I started to share this new ‘free’ style with people which gave me the encouragement I needed to turn them into prints! I hope to keep adding to this new category of art which I’ve setup in my shop under the LANDSCAPES category and one day hope to fill it up with all my favourite places and destinations I love best!

You can shop the first three prints below and keep your eye on my instagram and newsletters for more to come!